Say Earth

Let’s ComeLive Grow ShineTogether

Say Earth is a team of Environmentally conscious youth who have embarked on a journey of transformation.

Join the Movement

We are on a mission to reset the healthy and sustainable environment by facilitating the restoration of degraded natural ecosystems like Ponds and Urban forests. In this herculean task of preserving life-sustaining processes on planet earth we would certainly need many more hands to join the movement so let us spread the word everywhere we together can and yes let us not just pledge however start by every bit of contribution towards the Mother Earth.

Let’s Come Together, Let’s Live Together, Let’s Grow Together & Let’s Shine Together! 

and yes, for this to happen we just need to start believing again in the Cooperative Action and Earth already has sufficient resources for us all.

–  MR. Nagathihalli Ramesh  (Writer, Poet & an Environmentalist, Bengaluru)

Cooperation is the thorough conviction that nobody can get there unless everybody gets there. 

Virginia Burden

Ponds Restoration

The landmark program that re-kindled the ancient practice of water conservation through waterbody restoration. Say Earth team have brought to the fore a set of common threats that threaten to degrade and deplete our waterbodies. Inspired by nature, we have embarked on a journey to restore waterbodies in the country with the active involvement of society members. So far, we have been able to restore and rejuvenate around 60+ waterbodies comprising of both lakes and ponds across 6 states of India.

Urban Afforestation

A year-old initiative that has led to generation of forests on degraded patches of land in Urban Settings. High rises and office complexes stand on the lands that were once adorned with trees and lush green fields. We have seen this change and have also faced the consequences. Therefore, we have launched the initiative of afforestation of Urban areas. We choose sites that are functionally defunct and are degraded and transform them into dense forests using the Japanese Technique of Miyawaki. This approach ensures a greater number of species in less area, and growth is ten times faster.

Awareness & Advocacy

A community-based initiative that support raising awareness about the causes by initiating dialogue, sharing knowledge, and building capacities has made the campaigns participatory, and people oriented. At every step of our work, we encourage dialogue with the communities to enrich our work with indigenous knowledge, simultaneously making them aware of the needs and benefits of our endeavours like pond restoration and urban afforestation. Selfie with Pond & Jal Chaupals have been the most successful awareness campaigns so far!

Save Earth with #SayEarth#SayEarth#SayEarth

Led by very first volunteer, young Environmentalist & the founder of the trust ‘Say Earth’- Ramveer Tanwar, the organization, with collective public-private partnerships we have restored more than 60 water bodies and planted 6 urban forests. 


We strongly believe in singular authority of Nature and yes, have faith in its self-healing properties.


Our quest to restore natural ecosystems has established the organisation as a trusted social partner in rejuvenating ponds and planting urban forests that are almost destroyed by speeding urbanisation and industrialisation.


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Our Campaign

We aim to establish a network across all such regions that are in critical need of intervention for the conservation of water and the augmentation of green cover. We view our work as a responsibility towards the environment and society and look forward to creating a network of like-minded individuals irrespective of Geographical Challenges.

Green Planet

Green Planet

Our objective and missions are aligned with restoring natural ecosystems and are not limited to the restoration of ponds or planting urban forests but establishing sustainable solutions for a green planet supporting biodiversity and human life as a larger vision.

Plastic Recycling

Plastic Recycling

We must optimise the lifespan of plastics as much as possible to abate widespread plastic pollution. Worldwide we produce 300 million tonnes of plastic each year and most people are reusing and recycling their plastics now!

Volunteer Programs

Volunteer Programs

Volunteer your time towards environmental protection. Do not let anyone harm your environment and be vocal about the need to protect Nature and Natural Resources, to protect humanity.

Innovate (Selfie with Pond)

Innovate (Selfie with Pond)

Taking inspiration from the “Selfie with Daughter” campaign initiated by Shri. Sunil Jaglan and promoted by honourable prime minister, Shri. Narendra Modi, an initiative named “Selfie with Ponds” was launched in 2018 by the organisation.


Partner collaboration is when we along with our channel partners work together to achieve shared goals of the final Vision of a sustainable natural ecosystem, on Earth & around it. 


It’s about more than just making deals; it’s about pooling resources, sharing knowledge, and creating win-win situations for all the partners involved, in collaboration. 


We forbid and in fact prohibit any private deals or parties in leveraging power over purpose at any sort of governance levels under the compliance of #Sustainabilty by even enforcing the law as per the constitution if needed while in collaboration as #CooperativeAction.

We act to transform…. Sustainably!

Our clear objective is to act in alignment with nature to restore what has been transformed adversely. We are not limited to restoring natural ecosystems but aim to establish sustainability by curating innovative solutions. From using pond silt to fill potholes to transforming plastic waste into utility products, we are pushing ourselves to create a better home for future generations.

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Ponds Restored

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Jal Chaupals

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Urban Forests

Meet our founder

Started as a volunteer himself, Ramveer Tanwar, a young engineering graduate, founded the trust ‘Say Earth’ to further his vision of restoring degraded water bodies. Popularly known as Pond Man, Ramveer, a known Environmentalist and a TEDx Speaker based out of Greater Noida in Uttar Bhu Jal-Senaredited with spearheading the restoration of several degraded waterbodies and the transformation of wastelands into urban forests.


Hailing from a rural hinterland, he has been passionate about the cause of water conservation since his student life and has been working towards this cause. To make the process participatory, he initiated awareness generation programs like Jal Chaupals which played a pivotal role in ensuring the participation of people from all walks of life.

Ramveer’s efforts have won him accolades from Hon. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi who mentioned him and his endeavours in the Mann Ki Baat program and also by Hon. Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Shri Yogi Adityanath. Besides, he has been appointed Brand Ambassador of Swachh Bharat Mission, Ghaziabad, and district coordinator of the ‘Bhu Jal-Sena, Noida (Groundwater Force)’ by Government of Uttar Pradesh.

Work in Progress for Sustainable Development Goals

Become The Volunteer

Volunteer your time with Say Earth for #OneEarth and contribute towards environmental protection. Do not let anyone harm your environment and be vocal about the need to protect Nature and Natural Resources, to protect humanity.