Saving Earth by Restoring Natural Ecosystems

What We Do

Water Conservation

Waterbody Conservation

We work tirelessly to conserve and restore water bodies across the region, ensuring a sustainable water supply for future generations.

  • 80+ waterbodies restored
  • Groundwater recharge
  • Habitat for biodiversity


Our forestry projects aim to increase green cover in urban areas, creating healthier environments and combating climate change.

  • Miyawaki technique
  • 10x faster growth rate
  • 30x denser than normal forests
Plastic Recycling

Plastic Redefined

We actively engage in plastic reimagining initiatives at SayEarth, reducing waste and promoting sustainable practices within communities.

  • Innovative reuse solutions
  • Waste reduction programs
  • Community education

Targeted Ecosystems

Freshwater Ecosystems

Say Earth is constantly endeavoring towards the conservation and restoration of lentic freshwater ecosystems. These comprise of all waterbodies with standing water like ponds, lakes, tanks, wetlands etc.

A biodiversity hub, wetlands play a crucial role in maintaining life on the planet with wetlands estimated to support about 40% of the world's plant and animal species, including 30% of all known fish species.

Water Bodies Restored
States Covered

Tiny Forest Ecosystems

Forests are biologically diverse ecosystems that provide habitat to various plants, animals, and microbes. Dominated by trees, it is a functional system characterized by intricate relationships between its various biotic and abiotic components.

Healthy forest ecosystems provide a plethora of services to humans and other species. They contribute to the formation and conservation of soil and regulate hydrology besides providing habitat to a variety of plant and animal life.

Urban Forests Created
Denser Than Normal Forests

"We never know the worth of water till the well is dry."

— Thomas Fuller, Gnomologia, 1732

Our Work

Flagship Initiative

Restoration of Water Bodies

India as a nation faces a unique dilemma regarding its water situation. With only 4 percent of the world's fresh water and a population comprising almost 17.76 percent of the global population, the country just doesn't have enough water to support its burgeoning population.

80+ Waterbodies Restored
6 States Covered

Transforming Water Resources

We've embarked on a journey to restore waterbodies in the country with the active involvement of society members. So far, we have been able to restore and rejuvenate more than 80 waterbodies comprising of both lakes and ponds across 6 states of India.

  • Community-driven conservation approaches
  • Traditional knowledge integration
  • Sustainable management practices
  • Nature based solution
Growing Urban Lungs


Our country is growing rapidly both in terms of population and Infrastructure. Fast-paced urbanization along with a developing economy have taken a toll on the natural ecosystems. Many infrastructure projects require the cutting of trees to pave the way for such projects. Resulting in cutting of large number of trees that alters hydrology, micro- climate soil and biodiversity adversely.

6 Urban Forests Created
10x Faster Growth

Creating Mini Forests

We choose sites that are functionally defunct and are degraded and transform them into dense forests using the Japanese Technique of Miyawaki. This approach ensures a greater number of species in less area, and growth is ten times faster.

  • Miyawaki forest creation technique
  • Native species prioritization
  • 30x denser than conventional forests
  • Carbon sequestration enhancement
Community Mobilization

Environmental Awareness

Say Earth has a strong faith in the power of collective action and believes that every individual thought and effort has the potential to bring about a larger revolution. Our major campaigns include selfie with ponds.

1400+ Campaign Participants
Regular Jal Chaupals

Building Environmental Consciousness

At every step of our work, we encourage dialogue with the communities to enrich our work with indigenous knowledge, simultaneously making them aware of the needs and benefits of our endeavours like pond restoration and afforestation.

  • "Selfie with Ponds" campaign
  • Interactive Jal Chaupals (Water Forums)
  • Environmental education workshops
  • Knowledge sharing platforms